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Guidance to Complete the LEA Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Calculator for the 2024-2025 Eligibility Standard

Version 1.4 of the Calculator must be used to complete the 2024-25 Eligibility Standard.

LEAs MUST NOT submit their LEA MOE Calculator for 2024-25 Eligibility Standard until their previous years Calculator requirements have been approved. The reason for this requirement is that the determination if a LEA meets the 2024-25 Eligibility Standard is based on their previous years Calculator requirements.

If an LEA needs their most recent approved LEA MOE Calculator, please email this request toÌýidea@nysed.gov

LEAs are notified by e-mail once their LEA MOE Calculator submission is approved.

To complete the LEA MOE Calculator for the 2024-25 Eligibility Standard please complete/review the following TABS.

  1. TAB 18. 24-25 MOE – Cell B1 is a drop-down box. Please make sure to select Eligibility.
  2. TAB 17. 24-25 Amounts – Please make sure to complete the information for Eligibility.
    • Cell B1 -LEA inputs their Projected Child Count. This is the number of students with disabilities your LEA plans to provide special education and relates services according to an IEP or service plan in place.
    • Cells A5-E5 thru A29-E29 is where a LEA includes a description and a budgeted amount for the 2024-25 period.

Important Guidance: For LEA’s that need assistance to complete the budgeted information please contact Questar III BOCES – State Aid and Financial Planning. Questar III has an Excel worksheet and guidance information that will help LEAs complete the budgeted information.

To contact Questar III please click the link below:


Information that MAY be Completed

  1. TAB 19. 24-25 Exc & Adj. –ÌýIf a LEA has any allowable Exception(s) and/or Adjustment please complete the information as applicable. Please note the Eligibility Standard is in Columns A-F. Do not complete any information for the Compliance Standard located in columns H-M.

    Please Note: For planning purposes its highly encouraged that LEAs include all Exceptions known at the time this requirement is completed. Exceptions that are included in the Eligibility section would be moved to the Compliance section for the same school year if information is still accurate.

After you have completed all the information for your LEA, please review tabs TAB 18. 24-25 MOE and TAB 4. Multi-Year MOE Summary to make sure your LEA has met MOE.

²ü¶¶Ð¡ÃÛÌÒ strongly recommends that an LEA completes all the information for each four methods to meet MOE, but a LEA only needs to meet MOE for one method to comply with the requirement.

Once completed, please submit your LEA MOE Calculator to idea@nysed.gov. In the subject line please write 2024-25 MOE Eligibility and your “LEA NAMEâ€.

Additional Guidance on the LEA MOE Calculator and MOE Guidance: